To Apply for United Way of Walton County Agency Status
Agencies must meet the following basic requirements:
Agency must be a registered 501(c)3 and have been in existence for three or more years.
Agency must fall within the United Way of Walton County Impact areas of Education, Financial Stability, Health, or Basic Needs.
Agency must have a Board of Directors (unpaid), with five or more members, that meets quarterly.
Agency must provide services within Walton County, Georgia or surrounding area.
Agency must be annually registered with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office in the Charity Division and able to provide verification, unless state exempt.
Organization and program level budget information will be required. Agency must document total revenue of $50,000 or more, and administrative/overhead costs must be 30% or less.
Agency must provide an annual audit by an independent certified accountant and an IRS 990 tax form if total revenue exceeds $500,000; a financial review and 990 tax form for total revenues below $500,000; A 990 EZ Form is not acceptable.
Agency must provide ample and reasonable evidence to substantiate the need for its program, including outcome measurements.
The Agency’s Board of Directors must agree to follow United Way’s by-laws.
The application process for agency status opens on February 1 and closes on April 1 each year.
If you have any questions, please contact Gloria Nguyen at gloria@unitedwayofwalton.org